Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Re: 0.10.12 next Tuesday?

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From: "Yuriy Sidelnikov" <YSidelnikov@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 16:22:58 +0400
what about the issues with new generated FTAM dissector ?
Shouldn't  it will be fixed before new version ?
Yuriy. ronnie sahlberg wrote:
it was initially a change to make sure i caught all occurences of it
when changing the signature and once finished i didnt really intend
any more to change it back since all BER dissectors should be
autogenerated anyway so it shouldnt matter what it is called.
If you want to have the old name back i can do that change. it should
be pretty straightforward and easy.
On 7/21/05, Tom.. Kukosa <tomas.kukosa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Ronnie,
  do you plan to change dissect_ber_CHOICE() back to dissect_ber_choice()
or do you prefer to leave it as it is?
Was it temporary or permanent change?
> I'd like to release 0.10.12 next Tuesday.  If anyone needs to postpone
> please let me know.
> For anyone wishing to keep tabs on the release status, a page is
> available at .
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