Hi Developers!
I have enhanced, corrected, and refactored the BACnet dissector code.
Attached is a patch. Here is a summary of the things that I changed:
* added additional value string enumerations from BACnet-2004
* removed vendor specific value string enumerations
* corrected some value strings enumerations that were incorrect
* refactored some common strings as strings + format
* refactored some value strings to use a reserved range and a
proprietary range by using val_to_split_str function which now correctly
shows the split range when a value is not matched.
* corrected some spelling errors
* converted some item text values to dissector registration
* added protocol tree for the BACnet tag headers
* added value strings tree display for some bit string BACnet properties
* added value strings tree display for some enumerated BACnet properties
* changed the conversion of signed, unsigned, and enumerated BACnet
values to use ntohx functions.
* added proper handling for large values of signed, unsigned, and
enumerated BACnet values.
* refactored BACnet Null and Boolean Tag tree
* refactored BACnet Real and Double Tag tree
* changed comments into functions for special tags
* changed some white space to match existing file style
* refactored tvb_reported_length to tvb_length_remaining to simplify
* corrected octet-string tree when length is zero
* refactored octet-string tree to use tvb_bytes_to_str
* corrected application tagged productions that were context tagged
* corrected context tagged productions that were application tagged
* corrected offset for BACnet character strings
* refactored some identical service request tree handling
* changed confirmed APDU to highlight the correct portion of the APDU
* changed some dissector registration values to display as decimal
* changed cast in call to iconv() to fix compiler warning
* corrected bit-wise AND in AtomicFile tree handling
* added error text in tree when encoded length doesn't match actual length
Best Regards,
Description: application/gzip