I'm having problems with the decoding of a CAMEL trace, I was hoping you could point me where to look/fix because I don't have any idea where could be the problem.
The problem relates to the decoding of ApplyChargingReportArg in CAMEL. After the patch I sent, the BER decoder throws a BER ERROR message. After reading the messages packet-ber sends (after turning DEBUG_BER to treu in the source file) I believe packet-ber can't find any way to decode ApplyCharging but I on't know how to do that, besides what's already on camel.asn.
I'm attaching the following files:
trace.txt <-- How should be decoded the message
trace.eth <-- this file is Ethereal readable
If you open this file in Ethereal, after you click on CAMEL-> invoke you should see an error warning like this:
After you apply the patch I sent to ethereal:
"BER ERROR: This field lies beyond the end of the known sequence definition"
Last SVN source without patch:
ber_output.txt <-- what the packer-ber filter shows after turning DEBUG_BER on.
Best Regards
And thanks in advance
Javier Acuña
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