Nina Pham wrote:
> Nina Pham wrote:
>> I was running 0.10.8 and was able to rebuild ethereal using nmake -f
>> makefile.nmake. But then I update the svn to get ethereal 0.10.10. I
>> couldn't build it. Then I just did the fresh check out of ethereal
>> from and tried to rebuild.
>> First I got into the bug, but I got it fixed by
>> creating an empty svnversion.h and a version.conf file with
>> "enable:0" in it. Now, nmake stop at "env: python: not executable:
>> The system can not find the file specified". I thought the release
>> should be builtable and usable without any change. But anyway, what I
>> should do to get it built? I think I got the env setup right since I
>> was able to build ethereal 0.10.8. Thanks
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> sorry, I got it. I had to change the file config.nmake.
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