When I open the trace with a build from current SVN I get [malformed packet]
The SCTP dissector(wrong chunk length in the packet?) , using an older SCTP
version I get the crash (fixed by the patch),
Thanks for the vote of confidence Tim :) I'll take a look at the ASN.1
coding when I have the time,
I suspect a newer version of the protocol is used than what's currently in
the asn.1 file.
Best regards
Small fix to packet-ber.c to clear this crash, but there still might be
something wrong with the gsmmap checkiemi definition.
Index: packet-ber.c
--- packet-ber.c (revision 13681)
+++ packet-ber.c (working copy)
@@ -452,7 +452,8 @@
if( (class!=BER_CLASS_UNI)
!=BER_UNI_TAG_UTF8String)) ){
proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset-2, 2, "BER
Error: OctetString expected but Class:%d PC:%d Tag:%d was unexpected",
class, pc, tag);
- *out_tvb=NULL;
+ if (out_tvb)
+ *out_tvb=NULL;
return end_offset;
} else {
Im sure Anders has this in hand though.