I incorporated the requests (doctypes, markup declarations, and
renamed metatag) and improved the overall performance of the lexer.
On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 20:48:00 +0100, Olivier Biot (Ethereal)
<ethereal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi list,
> First of all, congrats to Luis Ontanon for this plugin, it's really nice!
> Now I've been playing with it, and I realized that it doesn't yet handle
> <!DOCTYPE ...> and DTD definition tags (starting with "<!"). As I am not a
> lex expert, I propose someone (maybe Luis) adds this dissection to the
> plugin by completing the grammar in "/plugins/xml/xml_lexer.c". The markup
> declaration token can be named "markupdecl_start" (value: "<!") and is
> closed with a ">" token (see: http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204 and
> search section 2.8 for "markup declaration"). I would also recommend
> renaming metatag_start ("<?") into xmlpi_start and metatag_end ("?>") into
> xmlpi_end as these constructs are used for XML Processing Instructions (PI).
> I checked in a list of XML media types in the XML plugin registration. We
> will have to make sure all media types added in the XML plugin dissector get
> registered in "/epan/dissectors/packet-text-media.c" too, in case the XML
> dissector is disabled.
> Best regards,
> Olivier
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