Hi Jeff,
I looked at UDP and TCP and both have the default set to be TRUE.
I'll change that, such that UDP, TCP and SCTP behave the same.
Best regards
On Mar 2, 2005, at 5:39 PM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
Hi Michael,
Thanks. Question, though: since the default column list doesn't
a port (and since TCP, UDP, IP, etc. put src & dest info in the tree)
would it be Better for the default for this behavior to be on? (I saw
that the preference defaults it to off.)
I think this would make the default "out of the box" behavior more
user friendly. What do you think?
Michael Tuexen wrote:
Hi Jeff,
I have checked in the functionality. I have added a preference for
because I always use a port number column and will add a list of
chunks to the protocol tree summary. So having both, the port numbers
and the chunks may consume too much space. So let the user decide...
Best regards
On Feb 25, 2005, at 1:56 AM, Jeff Morriss wrote:
Hi list,
Here is a small patch which makes the SCTP dissector more like TCP
in that the Source and Destination ports are displayed in the tree
item (thus saving the user the trouble of expanding the SCTP tree
just to find the port numbers).
I didn't implement a preference (like 'tcp_summary_in_tree') because
I don't see the benefit; if desired I can add that.
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