After having a look at some traces that show a problem in the MAC-to-IP translation
I think there is a problem in packet-arp. The problem was that ethereal wrongly
associates one IP address to a MAC that really relates to a different one. The reason is
that, previously, a different machine sends an ARP request and, in the target hardware and
IP addresses, it sets the values of the wrong addresses. In procedure dissect_arp, around
line 732, packet-arp stores this translation in the hash table using add_ether_byip for
ARP Requests and ARP Replys. However, according to the RFC,
"The target hardware address is included for completeness and
network monitoring. It has no meaning in the request form"
I attach a patch that avoids adding the translation in that case, plus a sample capture that shows the wrong translation in frame 2 coming from the ARP request in frame 1.
error arp.cap
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data