Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Lost somewhere in the Plugin API ... please bring up the "mod

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 16:14:31 +0100
Lars Roland wrote:

Ulf Lamping schrieb:

Hi List!

And again (as frequently), I'm lost somewhere in the plugin API :-(

As there are frequent discussion about removing the "old style" API and only using the modern API, could this be done *now*? There seems to be concensus that it should be done AFAIR.
It's already there. I've activated the switch in config.nmake yesterday.
That might be the reason why my private plugin won't compile since 
around yesterday :-)
You might have noticed others "a bit louder" ;-)

If your plugin's makefile looks like the current makefiles of the official plugins, it should use the new API now.
I will have a look at this.

Then the plugin gets linked with epan/libethereal.lib instead of plugins/plugin_api.c. You don't need to modify the files in trunk/plugins anymore. The API is a part of epan/libethereal.def now.
So if I need symbols from Ethereal in my plugin, I'll have to add them 
in the libethereal.def file I would guess.
I'll keep an eye on the old API as long as we have it as a fallback.
I'm in favour of simply removing these files ASAP, I would guess that 
this will only frequently confuse people (including me ;-).
Obviously, files that are not existing (any longer) don't have to be 
modified, so one simply don't have to think about it.
If we should encounter real problems, we can get that files back from 
older subversions.
Regards, ULFL