Here what I want to do:
1. I have already tcpdump (libpcap) files.
2. To read these files and write it to a file in some human-readable format.
3. (optional) might be this reading is selective i.e. on few types of packets.
4. To transfer these files finally to a Database or to Excel.
I am looking forward for your kind experiences in this regards.
[How much Tetheral could be helpful in this. Can someone educated me about Tethereal?]
Thanks in advance.
For us, we have a dedicated computer running Ethereal on a bridge. We
scheduled tethereal to run in certain intervals. That tcpdump file is saved
and then we use tethereal to read the tcpdump file and write it to a file in
some human-readable format. We actually put that data onto a database
because we have to analyze the data (certainly a lot of data so we truncate
old data). Additionally, we use tethereal to genereate some statistics on
the data and push that out to another database. Oh and we do this with Perl
scripts that are scheduled with the "at" command.
For you, it sounds like you need tethereal to genereate some basic
statistics like #packets total. Wasn't sure how much detail you were the actual command or something...
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