Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Privilege Seperation for Ethereal

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 09:29:07 +0200
Guy Harris wrote:

Mark Pizzolato wrote:

The ethereal project may want to proviide a tool which helps users (admins) do the permissioning setup on all of the available platforms, so then normal (possible specific) users can use the capture tools.

"Tools".  The way it's done differs from platform to platform.

The next libpcap release will probably provide an OS X startup item to set the permissions on the BPF devices; OS X has a devfs based on the old FreeBSD one, with no configuration file and hence no ability to configure it to set modes or owneership on particular platforms to particular values, so it needs a startup item to set the modes.
On OS X, doing the permissioning setup would involve:

    installing the startup item;

    editing the script that does the work;

    running the startup item.

On most BSDs (and probably AIX), it'd chmod and/or chown the BPF devices, as they live on an on-disk file system and their modes persist across reboots. (The old FreeBSD devfs wasn't the default.)
On recent FreeBSDs, it'd edit the configuration file for the new devfs 
(which *is* the default), and either poke the system to re-read the 
configuration file (if possible) or manually do the permissions changes.
Hmmm, well, great, now I'm completely confused :-(

Is it a good idea to split capture and other Ethereal code or is it useless????
Regards, ULFL