Hello to all!
I am trying the whole afternoon to add some subtrees.
In fact I have some Items contained in the packet. The number of Items is contained in the header of the protocol. Therefore I wanted do display for each Item a subtree which contains the length and the value. But I get a problem when I try to add a subtree to another subtree. But if I want to add this Items to the "main" tree it works. Adding to subtree I get a memory error it says like the memomry couldn't be "read" memory. the code is like this
dissect_item(next_tvb, pinfo, item_tree);
next_tvb=tvb_new_subset(next_tvb, length, -1, -1);
I created the item_tree with:
ti = proto_tree_add_protocol_format (tree, proto_my_protocol, tvb, 0, -1, "My Protocol");
item_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_item_tree);
and added it do the ett[] array.
The dissect_item function does just this:
if (tree) {
ti1 = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, 0, 2, "TLV: %u", length);
tlv_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti1, ett_profinet_cbart_item);
proto_tree_add_text(tlv_tree, tvb, 0, 2,
"Quality code: %u", length);
proto_tree_add_text(tlv_tree, tvb, 3, 1,
"Length: %d", length);
ti1 = proto_tree_add_text(tlv_tree, tvb,4, length,
which I copied just from the packet-aim.c of ethereal just to test why there it works and with my function it doesn't. Does anybody have some hints for me?
Thanks for all
Michele Brocco
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