Li Haijiang wrote:
I use the command of "tethereal -T pdml -r infile > output.pdml".I find the
struct of the output is like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<psml version="0" creator="ethereal/0.10.4">
<section>4021 > 7200 [PSH, ACK] Seq=3139853647 Ack=2603158059 Win=16164
<section>7200 > 4021 [PSH, ACK] Seq=2603158059 Ack=3139853666 Win=65032
That is not like the pdml specification ----
My output pdml file is the summary of the packet and not describe the detail of
the packet.So I can't get the data info in the packet and can get only the length
of the data in the packet.Is it right?If I want to get the data in packet how can
I to do ??
Strange! You are getting the psml (packet summary markup language)
output, not the pdml (packet details markup language) output.
That might be a bug in the Ethereal version you are using. Do you use
the latest (0.10.4) version?
With the current CVS (very latest developer) version, this seems to be
working fine, I've tried it.
Regards, ULFL