Ethereal-dev: RE: [Ethereal-dev] Ethereal 0.10.3 bug and update

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Biot Olivier <Olivier.Biot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 17:01:31 +0200
Hi Stuart,

I did try it on a recent Win32 build of a CVS version of 24 hours ago, and
the problem does not appear. However...
I cannot reproduce the issue on a laptop running 650 MHz Intel PIII CPU, but
I remember it happening on an Intel P4 2.6 GHz desktop.

The GUI is sometimes extremely responsive on my system, and I think some
computers are that fast that they record TWO mouse click events instead of
one, or that the event is not properly "terminated" or synchronized within
the GTK2 code.

What sometimes appears to happen, is that the
RightMouseDown->RightMouseUp->ContextMenuShow sequence is seen by GTK+ as
RightMouseDown->ContextMenuShow->RightMouseUp which is interpreted as in
Mac'World with single-button mice where releasing the mouse means the same
as clicking on the highlighted item of the context menu. GTK+ 2.0 provides
this implementation too (I just tested this).

I don't know GTK+ coding but I only see the following options:

1. Use a slower computer. This of course is not an option :)

2. Require the *left* mouse button to confirm the context menu option.

3. Wait some number of milliseconds before popping up the context menu. I
think this is the preferred way.

Regarding your new bug, I cannot reproduce it on my GTK2 Win32 build.
Ethereal doesn't exit but the capture file is closed, that's all.



|-----Original Message-----
|From: Stuart MacDonald
|Ethereal: 0.10.3
|Interface: GTK2
|OS: Windows XP
|First an update on the "right click auto-selects first menu item" bug,
|and then a new bug.
|From: Stuart MacDonald
|> > In this case you could send me the capture file (please no 
|> > megabytes :-) 
|> > so I can try to reproduce it on my machine.
|> Here's a very short capture, which I can reproducibly get this to
|> happen. It's me just listening to, so there's no start or
|> finish to the stream.
|> - start ethereal
|> - open capture file (toolbar, open, open recent, does not matter)
|> - right click on a packet in the packet list
|> - stream is automatically processed
|This is reproducible on a colleague's machine who also has 0.10.3 with
|GTK2 installed.
|This is *not* reproducible on a colleague's machine who has
|0.9.something installed.
|This is *not* reproducible on my machine if I uninstall and reinstall
|with the GTK1 interface. Uninstalling and reinstalling back to GTK2
|interface causes the problem to be reproducible again.
|Again, the attached capture is sufficient, as long as it's the *first*
|right-click after Ethereal has been started, and you right click a
|packet (in the packet list) *other than* the one that is already
|New bug:
|When parsing a large capture, a progress dialog box appears. Clicking
|Cancel causes Ethereal to exit entirely! It really should just cancel
|the current parsing, and perhaps display the progress to that point.