Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] HTTP chunked encoding and protocol hierarchy

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Jerry Talkington <jtalkington@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 08:16:48 -0700
On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 03:35:09PM +0200, Biot Olivier wrote:
> Hi list,
> Today the HTTP chunked decoding appears at the top level of the protocol
> tree, but it is neither a protocol or a protocol field. As a result, the
> protocol hierarchy pane renders an empty line for this entry.

I didn't even realize that the protocol hierachy statistics window
existed, so it wasn't a consideration during implementation ;)  I just
stuck it at the top level because the Line-based text data "protocol" is
> Should the chunked decoding appear as a subitem to the HTTP tree, or as a
> "protocol"? Personally I'm more in favor of the 1st option.

Now that I know it exists, I'm more in favor of a third option: making
it an option.  If the hierarchy statistics are simply pulled from the
middle pane, it should be a snap to add options allowing the user to
specify where to stick it.

If nobody objects, I'll re-implement the chunked decoder as a
"protocol", and give the user an option of including it in the protocol
statistics.  I'll also give the user the option of including the
content-encoding, and media types in the hiearchy (I can't imagine
having "Line-based text data" is usefull to anybody, but the actual
media type would be, so I'll stick the text data under the media type.)

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