Hi good people!
I would like to thank everybody who contributed to Ethereal for such a nice
program. I am a Subversion (http://subversion.tigris.org/) contributing
developer and in the last task I took upon myself to do, I had to write
another handler to the repository-access vtable which involved protocol
extensions on both the HTTP/WebDAV/DeltaV protocol and the custom Subversion
My extensions did not work right after they were fully isolated. And the
problem was that I could not see what I just wrote to the stream. So I used
Ethereal (for the first time) to record the conversations. After some
experimenting, I found out how to display them in a nice format, which
allowed me to see where the output went wrong. That way, with the help of
Ethereal and gdb, I was able to eliminate these bugs, and end up with a fully
working code.
So thanks for taking the effort in developing such a convenient program. It is
really impressive. I'm looking forward to making further use of it when the
need arises.
Best regards,
Shlomi Fish
P.S: feel free to add this to your "success stories" or "what others have to
say" sections, in case you have such on your homepage.
Shlomi Fish shlomif@xxxxxxxxxxx
Homepage: http://shlomif.il.eu.org/
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
[Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.]