-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Dickens
The "msnms" display filter, for MSN Messenger traffic, doesn't display the
text of messages when you use it without -V. With -V, the output is
understandably verbose.
I wrote the following script to take the verbose output and generate a
concise chat transcript. It's not perfect; for one it can't keep track of
the sender's id for messages originating locally. But it's otherwise pretty
good, I think.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
while (not eof()) { # Exit when all of file has been processed. Skip
while (<>) { # to "MSN Messenger" decode. Remember time, src, dst
($atime) = /\s*Arrival Time:\s(\S+\s\d+,\s\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+).*/
if (/\s*Arrival Time:\s.*/);
($src) = /\s*Source:\s(\S+).*/ if (/\sSource:\s.*/);
($dst) = /\s*Destination:\s(\S+).*/ if (/\sDestination:\s.*/);
last if /MSN Messenger Service/;
$ctyp = $user = $msg = "";
while (<>) { # Process each line of Message decode
chomp; # Remember MSG "from" and content type for each
if (/.*\s+MSG\s+.+/) { ($user) = /\s+MSG\s+(\S*).+/; next }
if (/.*Content-Type:.*/) { ($ctyp) = /\s+Content-Type:\s+(\S*).*/;
next }
next if /.*MIME-Version:.*/;
next if /.*X-MMS-IM-Format:.*/;
$msg .= "$_\n"; # append message text onto msg
last if $_ eq "";
next unless $ctyp eq "text/plain;"; # Skip all control messages
print "$atime ($user) $src => $dst\n$msg\n"; # Print the rest