Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Having problems compiling the latest CVS on win32: report_open_fa

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2004 12:03:47 +0100
Hi List!

Even after doing a make distclean, still having problems compiling the latest CVS on win32:
..\plugins/Xass-list(76) : error C2065: 'report_open_failure' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
..\plugins/Xass-list(76) : error C2099: Initialisierung ist keine Konstante
..\plugins/Xass-list(76) : error C2065: 'report_read_failure' : nichtdeklarierter Bezeichner
..\plugins/Xass-list(76) : error C2099: Initialisierung ist keine Konstante
..\plugins/Xass-list(76) : warning C4113: 'unsigned int (__cdecl *)(struct tvbuff *,unsigned int ,struct _packet_info *,struct _proto_node *,int ,int ,int )' weicht in der Parameterliste von 'void (__cdecl *)(const char *,int ,int )' ab
Could someone have a look at this?

Regards, ULFL