I know I'm probably stating the obvious here, but I know people personally that have missed it.
It's not so much that the scroll bar is missing (or that the scroll bar had anything to do with the Info column specifically), but that the default is to size the column to the right edge of the window. There's nothing to scroll TO.
You can, of course, bring the "horizontal scroll bar" back by manually resizing columns wider than the current Ethereal window. One of the first things I do when I launch Ethereal usually is to move Ethereal off to the left side of the window partially, and drag the Info column width to the right quite a bit.
The MAX_COLUMN_AUTORESIZE_WIDTH was a hack that didn't really work well (the alternative was potentially having "10-mile-wide" Info column) , it really only worked by adding code to some Ethereal-copied GTK+1.2 code, and didn't work if the user was running
The hack (my code =) was removed and the current system is in place, waiting for someone to implement a better system...
> Hash: SHA1
> Glad to see I am not the only missing the horizontal scroll bar on the
> info-column.
> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 11:12:52 -0800 Martin Regner <martin.regner@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
> >
> >Jaime Fournier wrote:
> >> The main panel where COL_INFO data is displayed.
> >> I no longer have a horizontal scroll bar.
> >> It simply cuts off col_info at the width of the screen.
> >> I use to be able to scroll horizontally up to MAX_COLUMN_AUTORESIZE_WIDTH.
> >> Is there more info other than that?
> >> It seems according to the cvs logs that the autosizing was removed.
> >
> >I think that it is OK that Ethereal doesn't auto-size the columns
> >any more
> >as it did a while ago.
> >
> >But I think that it could be good to put a greater default size
> >for
> >Info-column, i.e. change the
> >string returned for COL_INFO from get_column_longest_string(gint
> >format) in
> >column.c so that there is a scroll bar.
> >
> >
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