Biot Olivier wrote:
I partally agree. I'm in favor of decoupling how the end-user interacts with
the system and the way the system is implemented. Anyway, I think we will
move to a more powerful selection mechianism in a stepwise manner.
The questions I have, are all related to how intuitive the UI is to a human.
For this reason and because it makes sense to me to decouple dfilter from
selection criteria (although the implementation does not allow full
separation of both).
But, dfilter is only one of the criterias, others are marked, ...
Additionally, If one wants to print/save only a selection of packets, why
wouldn't we let the user enter the ranges, just like it is already
implemented in various SW products in the "Print pages" widget? I think it'd
be much mode interesting if an end-user could specify ranges like "-20",
"25-40", "120-" or a combination of those:
( ) Specify ranges: [ -20 35-37 45 78- ]
I was thinking of this before. That would need some kind of a (trivial)
parser, and I'm not very good writing parsers.
Would then select only packets (first) to 20, 35 to 37, 45, 78 to (last).
And even then, it would still make sense to apply the dfilter on demand for
the entered selection.
I would expect, that the user will usually want to print only the
packets being displayed as default, as this is somewhat
more intuitive.
Regards, ULFL