Ethereal-dev: RE: [Ethereal-dev] [CYGWIN]Build hints

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Biot Olivier <Olivier.Biot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 21:30:21 +0100
Cygwin defines __CYGWIN__ :) I should have known...

| | > -#ifdef _WIN32
| | >  #include "capture-wpcap.h"
| | > -#endif
| | 
| | There needs to be some #define that means "this is Windows, 
| not UNIX" 
| | that's defined *EVEN ON CYGWIN*, or else we need to find 
| some #define 
| | that means "this is Windows" that's defined on Cygwin and do
| | 
| | 	#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(that other #define)
| | 
| | Presumably Cygwin doesn't define _WIN32; does it define WIN32?