Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] patch to docs and to mgcp-stat

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Lars Roland <Lars.Roland@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 18:27:57 +0200

Guy Harris wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 27, 2003 at 05:09:45PM +0200, Lars Roland wrote:

>> "init_stat_table" makes the settings for a GtkCList including the
>> scrolling. This may be useful, when changing the other statistic
>> windows to a GtkCList
> I changed it to "create_stat_table()", and made it create the GtkCList
> and return a pointer to it, in order to make it possible for more code
> to be shared.
> It might be worth having it create the scrolled window as well.

there is a problem at least on WinXP with creating the GtkWidget and
GtkCList within this function. The values or even the whole table
won't be displayed in the window!

I am using the Gtk Win-Version from the Ethereal-Homepage.

May be the GtkClist, the returned pointer is refering to, is not valid any more, after "create_stat_table()" returned.
May be it is something different, I don't know.
I'm just a "Gtk-Beginner".

Creating the GtkCList in "gtk_mgcpstat_init()" works fine.

This problem should be fixed before official release. It will annoy people, having a new but not working feature.
Best Regards

Lars Roland