Or like I do.
cd some_dir_with_tracefiles
for file in `ls *.enc`
tethereal -r $file -Nn -tad -R "(ip.checksum_bad) ||
(icmp.checksum_bad) || (udp.checksum_bad) ||
--- Nehal Shah <nshah@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All-
> I have been using ethereal for sometime.. Here is
> what I want to do.
> I have a dir in which there r 100 .enc files
> (capture files). I do not want
> to look at each one on of those files and figure out
> whether each packet
> meets CRC PASS or not according to ethereal. I would
> rather modify ethereal
> so when it has CRC error it tells me "Filename XXXX
> has YYYY CRC errors"
> etc. so I would be interested in doing something
> like.
> (1) Parse .enc file using ethereal.
> (2) When ethereal says bad/good CRC dump that
> information into a file.
> (3) Parse that file later on to find out how many
> packets according to
> ethereal have *bad checksum* and how many have
> *good checksum*.
> (4) I want to show that information to the user.
> I do not know hether eathereal can let me do
> something like this or not. If
> it does please tell me how can I do that. If not
> then what are the steps I
> will have to follow for modifying eathereal per my
> requirement.
> I have downloaded ethereal source from "
> <ftp://ftp.ethereal.com/pub/ethereal/>
> Also let me know where do I get other development
> tips like builiding the
> code, testsing it etc..
> thanks
> Regards
> Nehal.
Jaime Fournier
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