> I didn't see that warning from 0.9.8 on Windows 2000.
That seems odd. I get it almost immediately on Win98SE (on two separate
systems) when I have loaded the tracefile I had attached earlier. I don't
have a Win2k/XP installation available to me to try it out on. Please note
that I do not get it on all RPC session traces, but the session I supplied
earlier did reproducibly trigger it for me.
> GTK+ is reporting a problem; whether the problem it's reporting is the
> result of a GTK+ bug or an Ethereal bug is another matter.
Ok, so how do I go about figuring out which it is ? I've tried running
ethereal under a debugger on windows before, but:
1.) Using the mingw or cygwin supplied gdb on 'native-Win32' and/or
MSVC-compiled binary's just never seemed to get me anything more useful than
unexpected weird debugger error messages.
2.) Since im not a developer but just a humble sysadmin ive never been able
to get a debugger to produce anything more serious than a simple backtrace,
so in order to produce anything that's more complex I would require some
serious help from a developer if anyone would like me to set breakpoints and
Are there any alternatives that might help out here? Is there a way to start
ethereal producing more verbose debugging output ? Is there a way to force
it to produce a crash when the assertion fails and submit that output to the
list ? Is there another free debugger available for Win32 (that anyone on
this list knows how to use) besides gdb ?
> "gtk_widget_map()" isn't called by any Ethereal code, except by our
> internal version of the CList widget (which is there because older
Just a long shot here - but would it theoretically be possible for
differences that might possibly exist between these versions of this "CList
widget" be the cause of this issue ?
> I think we're also distributing an older
> version of the 1.3.x build.
Does this imply that the precompiled Ethereal is compiled/linked against a v
ersion of GTK that's older than the version that's supplied on the GTK/win32
website, and that I am to expect problems when I use that newer version ?
Anyways, thanks for the feedback,