Ronnie,et. Al.
While you are thinking about features for taps, one thing that might be
useful is allow taps to feed back to ethereal proper. This would allow a
tap that say is performing some "expert" function to alter the main
ethereal display.
For example, your tap might try to find and summarise the "slow" TCP
connections. It might also display the frame or time where these occur
in a summary list. It would be nice to be able to click on this summary
list, and then have the tap drive the main ethereal window to scroll to
the actual frame of interest. Alternatively you might want to display a
subset of relevent frames only, by creating a temporary display filter
to show the frames that the tap has discovered.
I know that the tap code nwriter could write code to do this directly (I
have hacked this into some code I did a while back) but it might be
nice to have generic code that allows the tap to "talk back" to
Your thoughts anyone?
Martin Visser
Network Consultant
Technology & Infrastructure - Consulting & Integration
COMPAQ, part of the new HP
3 Richardson Place
North Ryde, Sydney NSW 2113, Australia
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