I think that it would wise to update the requirements for compilation section
to have more specific instructions for win32
Out of the items listed, here's causes for problems on win32:
gtk/gdk - if taken from standard web site, directory structure is incorrect and
lacks gnu-intl.dll.
glib - if taken from standard web site, version (2.0) is incompatible
zlib - ethereal would not compile without minor patch, won't run properly
without ethereal-specific version
net-snmp - compiled ok for me, but hit linker issues
bottom line is that they all require ethereal specific versions from
http://www.ethereal.com/distribution/win32/development/ or
(why are some required items in old?)
There is only one remaining requirement for compiling: winpcap
This has a whole paragraph specialized for win32
(and also has and ethereal mirror for it)
All in all, it seems like it would probably be best to either gather up all
win32 specific instructions, or to add some small win32 specific tidbit to the
4 items initially listed... Currently the only link to where most of this
stuff hides is via the binary distribution section (where then you must follow
the development link)
Gerald Combs wrote:
> Which zlib distribution are you linking with? It sounds like the you're
> using the one from WinImage. A while back Gilbert (I think) compiled his
> own version of zlib, which has shipped with the past few versions of
> Ethereal. It's available at
> http://www.ethereal.com/distribution/win32/development/zlib-114-dev.zip