> From: "Willem van den Akker" <wvdakker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: ethereal-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 07:58:54 +0200
> Subject: [Ethereal-dev] Glitch in 0.9.7 (and 0.9.6.)
> Hi,
> There is a little glitch in version 0.9.7 and also in 0.9.6.
> When I select the menu item "Colorize Display" and
> select an TCP-expression, the expression between TCP.Analyses.Flags and TCP.Segment.Len have a white foreground and can't be read. I can however select them.
> gr,
> Willem
Info: This is also a problem of the display filter "Add Expression" subdialog box also (I think it's the same subdialog as in the colorization dialog).
Regards ULFL
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