Hi List!
A minor problem I have noticed:
Displaying a trace I have made, with some DCE-RPC packets, but displayed as diameter packets.
Some messages on the console:
Diameter: Unable to find name for command code 0x00000000, Vendor "1207959552"!
Diameter: Bad packet: Bad Flags(0x10) or Version(5)
Diameter: Unable to find name for command code 0x00000000, Vendor "1207959552"!
Diameter: Bad packet: Bad Flags(0x10) or Version(5)
Diameter: Unable to find name for command code 0x00000000, Vendor "671088640"!
Diameter: Bad packet: Bad Flags(0x10) or Version(5)
Diameter: Unable to find name for command code 0x00000000, Vendor "671088640"!
Diameter: Bad packet: Bad Flags(0x10) or Version(5)
-The diameter dissector should not decode the corresponding packets as diameter packets, as they are using the ports 1812 (diameter) and 135 (rpc), and are really DCE-RPC packets.
I have fixed this by setting the diameter port in the preferences to a different value (I'm not using diameter).
-In the console comes a lot of messages like the ones above, which shouldn't be there I think.
Regards ULFL
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