On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Richard Sharpe wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking about this some more, and it seems to me that we should do
> something like the following before trying to actually save the file or do
> anything else:
> 1. If the save name is the same as the capture file name, put up a dialog
> box and dissallow it as we do for one case currently. This should be for
> all cases, even for a temp file, because some LUSER might have patiently
> typed in the temp capture file name.
Hmm, OK, I hoisted this, and am building now, so lets see what happens.
> 2. If that passes, then lstat (or whatever it is under Win32) the file to
> see if it exists, and if so, pop up a dialog box asking if the user really
> knows what they are doing.
This is a bit more work.
> Only after these two have been checked should do the normal stuff.
> However, it is likely that there are other places where the user wants to
> save things where it might be appropriate to check is they know they are
> overwriting files.
> Regards
> -----
> Richard Sharpe, rsharpe@xxxxxxxxxx, rsharpe@xxxxxxxxx,
> sharpe@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Richard Sharpe, rsharpe@xxxxxxxxxx, rsharpe@xxxxxxxxx,