I like the idea of using gtk idle time to draw the graphs. For some
people, the graph might be more important than the packed list updates.
I could see turning off live update when I was plotting. One thing to
consider is to ensure that the data collection rate is independent of
the graph update rate. That is, we need to be sure that
"packets-matching-expression-X/sec" is really per second and not per
update period.
Perhaps one of my earlier comments was unclear. I think it would be
nice to construct the plugin scheme in such a way as to allow either
multiple plots or multiple lines on one plot reflecting differing
filters. This is what the color filters do. This would allow
displaying (if one wished) all packets, but only plotting, say tcp/sec
and ipx/sec.
If we had this plugin mechanism, we could also use it to re-implement
the filtering and color-filtering code (there is a bit of an
ineffeciency in how that is handelled, IIRC). In addition, we could
probably use this to implement a "trigger" filter that would start
saving captured packets when a matched packet was found.
John McDermott, Writer and Consultant
J-K International, Ltd.
V +1 505/377-6293 F +1 505/377-6313