Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] H.450 and Ethereal

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Andreas Sikkema" <ramdyne@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2002 16:55:27 +0100
> I am Tanu Malhotra and I am working presently in implementation of
> H.450.3 supplementary service on the stack. I would like to know
> whether ethereal supports decoding of CallRerouting ,Activate
> Diversion etc(defined in H.450.3 ASN). I am not able to decode these
> messages using Ethereal,so I was just wondering whether this problem
> is due to the Ethereal or ASN encoding on my side. Your early reply
> would be really appreciated. Does openphone(openh323) support H.450.3?

The H.323 plugin I am developing (and the patche to Ethereal < 
0.8.15) does NOT decode H.450. However, next week is my last week in 
which I can work "fulltime" on the new H.323 plugin for Ethereal 
0.9.3 (which does not exist yet ;-) ) and guess what I'll be trying 
to add? 

There is however one big problem with H.450, asnparser does not 
support some ASN.1 features which H.450 does use, but there are a 
couple of possible workarounds one of which is used in OpenH323 to 
which your email is referring. Together with a collegue who is very 
knowledgeable on ASN.1 I'll be trying to solve this also for the 
H.323 plugin. But don't count on it much, because I have no idea how 
much work this will be.
