Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] idl2eth in ethereal 0.8.20: BUGFIX for unions?

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Frank Singleton <frank.singleton@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2001 14:25:20 -0600
John Mackenzie wrote:
>         Hello Frank,
>                           I have been using your idl2eth in
>         a large telecommunications project and we have
>         found it invaluable.
>                 We have pushed it to the limits as our
>         IDL is highly complex and nested. While testing
>         I think I found a bug in how idl2eth generates
>         code for IDL unions.
>                 I suggest the following fix in version 1.12
>         of on line 2536:
>            template_comment_union_code_label_compare_start = """\
> if (disc_s_@discname@ == @labelval@) {
>  """
>     template_comment_union_code_label_compare_end = """\
>     ;  /* John.A.Mackenzie@xxxxxxxxxxx: Remove the break statement */
> }


Ok, let me check it and get back to you :-)

Thanks for the feedback.

Cheers / Frank

EUS/SV/Z Frank Singleton      ASO Americas BSS
Office : +1 972 583 3251      ECN 800 33251  
Mobile : +1 214 228 0874      Amateur Radio: VK3FCS/KM5WS   
Email : frank.singleton@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hardware: HP Omnibook 4150 running Redhat Linux 7.1 (2.4.3-12 kernel).