Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] PPP CCP support added

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Motonori Shindo <mshindo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 23:52:03 +0900 (JST)

I have added a PPP CCP (Compression Control Protocol) support. 

Currently, STAC, MPPC and LZS-DCP are supported. PPP Compressed
datagram (PPP protocol ID = 0x00fd) support is also added.


 |.. .|    |     Motonori Shindo
 |_~__|    |     
 | .. |~~_~|     Sr. Systems Engineer
 | .  |    |     CoSine Communications Inc.
 C o S i n e     e-mail:  mshindo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Index: packet-ppp.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/ethereal/packet-ppp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -u -r1.71 packet-ppp.c
--- packet-ppp.c	2001/09/30 13:30:51	1.71
+++ packet-ppp.c	2001/10/29 14:40:05
@@ -73,6 +73,18 @@
 static gint ett_ipcp_ipaddrs_opt = -1;
 static gint ett_ipcp_compressprot_opt = -1;
+static int proto_ccp = -1;
+static gint ett_ccp = -1;
+static gint ett_ccp_options = -1;
+static gint ett_ccp_stac_opt = -1;
+static gint ett_ccp_mppc_opt = -1;
+static gint ett_ccp_lzsdcp_opt = -1;
+static int proto_comp_data = -1;
+static gint ett_comp_data = -1;
 static int proto_mp = -1;
 static int hf_mp_frag_first = -1;
 static int hf_mp_frag_last = -1;
@@ -167,6 +179,12 @@
 #define IDENT      12 /* Identification */
 #define TIMEREMAIN 13 /* Time remaining */
+ * CCP-specific packet types.
+ */
+#define RESETREQ   14  /* Reset Request */
+#define RESETACK   15  /* Reset Ack */
 #define CBCP_OPT  6 /* Use callback control protocol */
 static const value_string lcp_vals[] = {
@@ -186,6 +204,53 @@
 	{0,          NULL }
+static const value_string ccp_vals[] = {
+	{CONFREQ,    "Configuration Request" },
+	{CONFACK,    "Configuration Ack" },
+	{CONFNAK,    "Configuration Nak" },
+	{CONFREJ,    "Configuration Reject" },
+	{TERMREQ,    "Termination Request" },
+	{TERMACK,    "Termination Ack" },
+	{CODEREJ,    "Code Reject" },
+	{RESETREQ,   "Reset Request" },
+	{RESETACK,   "Reset Ack" },
+	{0,          NULL } 
+#define STAC_CM_NONE		0
+#define STAC_CM_LCB		1
+#define	STAC_CM_CRC		2
+#define	STAC_CM_SN		3
+#define STAC_CM_EXTMODE		4
+static const value_string stac_checkmode_vals[] = {
+	{STAC_CM_NONE,		"None" },
+	{STAC_CM_LCB,		"LCB" },
+	{STAC_CM_CRC,		"CRC" },
+	{STAC_CM_SN,		"Sequence Number" },
+	{STAC_CM_EXTMODE,	"Extended Mode" },
+	{0,			NULL }
+#define LZSDCP_CM_NONE		0
+#define LZSDCP_CM_LCB		1
+#define	LZSDCP_CM_SN		2
+#define	LZSDCP_CM_SN_LCB	3
+static const value_string lzsdcp_checkmode_vals[] = {
+	{LZSDCP_CM_NONE,	"None" },
+	{LZSDCP_CM_SN,		"Sequence Number" },
+	{LZSDCP_CM_SN_LCB,	"Sequence Number + LCB" },
+	{0,			NULL }
+#define LZSDCP_PM_NONE		0
+static const value_string lzsdcp_processmode_vals[] = {
+	{LZSDCP_PM_NONE,	"None" },
+	{LZSDCP_PM_PROC_UNCOMP,	"Process-Uncompressed" },
+	{0,			NULL }
  * Options.  (LCP)
@@ -558,8 +623,82 @@
 #define N_IPCP_OPTS	(sizeof ipcp_opts / sizeof ipcp_opts[0])
+ * Options.  (CCP)
+ */
+#define CI_CCP_OUI	0	/* OUI (RFC1962) */
+#define CI_CCP_PREDICT1	1	/* Predictor type 1 (RFC1962) */
+#define CI_CCP_PREDICT2	2	/* Predictor type 2 (RFC1962) */
+#define CI_CCP_PUDDLE	3	/* Puddle Jumper (RFC1962) */
+#define CI_CCP_HPPPC	16	/* Hewlett-Packard PPC (RFC1962) */
+#define CI_CCP_STAC	17	/* stac Electronics LZS (RFC1974) */
+#define CI_CCP_MPPC	18	/* Microsoft PPC (RFC2218/3078) */
+#define CI_CCP_GFZA	19	/* Gandalf FZA */
+#define CI_CCP_V42BIS	20	/* V.42bis compression */
+#define CI_CCP_BSDLZW	21	/* BSD LZW Compress */
+#define CI_CCP_LZSDCP	23	/* LZS-DCP (RFC1967) */
+#define CI_CCP_MVRCA	24	/* MVRCA (Magnalink) (RFC1975) */
+#define CI_CCP_DEFLATE	26	/* Deflate (RFC1979) */
+#define CI_CCP_RESERVED	255	/* Reserved (RFC1962) */
+ * Microsoft Point-To-Point Compression (MPPC) and Encryption (MPPE) 
+ * supported bits.
+ */
+#define MPPC_SUPPORTED_BITS_C	0x00000001	/* MPPC negotiation */
+#define MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_D	0x00000010	/* Obsolete */
+#define MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_L	0x00000020	/* 40-bit encryption */
+#define MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_S	0x00000040	/* 56-bit encryption */
+#define MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_M	0x00000080	/* 128-bit encryption */
+#define MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_H	0x01000000	/* stateless mode */
+static void dissect_ccp_stac_opt(const ip_tcp_opt *optp, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+                        int offset, guint length, frame_data *fd,
+			proto_tree *tree);
+static void dissect_ccp_mppc_opt(const ip_tcp_opt *optp, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+                        int offset, guint length, frame_data *fd,
+			proto_tree *tree);
-static void dissect_ppp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo,
+static void dissect_ccp_lzsdcp_opt(const ip_tcp_opt *optp, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+                        int offset, guint length, frame_data *fd,
+			proto_tree *tree);
+static const ip_tcp_opt ccp_opts[] = {
+	{
+		"Stac Electronics LZS",
+		&ett_ccp_stac_opt,
+		5,
+		/* In RFC 1974, this is a fixed-length field of size 5,
+		   but in Ascend Proprietary STAC compression this field
+		   is 6 octets. Sigh... */
+		dissect_ccp_stac_opt
+	},
+	{
+		"Microsoft PPC",
+		&ett_ccp_mppc_opt,
+		6,
+		dissect_ccp_mppc_opt
+	},
+	{
+		"LZS-DCP",
+		&ett_ccp_lzsdcp_opt,
+		6,
+		dissect_ccp_lzsdcp_opt
+	}
+#define N_CCP_OPTS	(sizeof ccp_opts / sizeof ccp_opts[0])
+static void dissect_ppp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, 
     proto_tree *tree);
 static const value_string pap_vals[] = {
@@ -1130,6 +1269,85 @@
 static void
+dissect_ccp_stac_opt(const ip_tcp_opt *optp, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+			int offset, guint length, frame_data *fd,
+			proto_tree *tree)
+  proto_item *tf;
+  guint8 check_mode;
+  if (length == 6) {
+	  proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, length, 
+			      "%s (Ascend Proprietary version)", optp->name);
+	  /* We dont' know how to decode the following 4 octets, since
+	     there's no public document that describe their usage. */
+	  return;
+  } else {
+	  tf = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, length, "%s", optp->name);
+  }
+  proto_tree_add_text(tf, tvb, offset + 2, 2,
+		      "History Count: %u", tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset + 2));
+  check_mode = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 4);
+  proto_tree_add_text(tf, tvb, offset + 4, 1, "Check Mode: %s (0x%02X)", 
+      val_to_str(check_mode, stac_checkmode_vals, "Unknown"), check_mode); 
+static void
+dissect_ccp_mppc_opt(const ip_tcp_opt *optp, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+			int offset, guint length, frame_data *fd,
+			proto_tree *tree)
+  proto_item *tf;
+  proto_tree *flags_tree;
+  guint32 supported_bits;
+  supported_bits = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb, offset + 2);
+  tf = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, length, 
+	      "%s: Supported Bits: 0x%08X", optp->name, supported_bits);
+  flags_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(tf, ett_ccp_mppc_opt);
+  proto_tree_add_text(flags_tree, tvb, offset + 2, 4, "%s",
+      decode_boolean_bitfield(supported_bits, MPPC_SUPPORTED_BITS_C, 8*4, 
+      "Desire to negotiate MPPC", "NOT Desire to negotiate MPPC"));
+  proto_tree_add_text(flags_tree, tvb, offset + 2, 4, "%s",
+      decode_boolean_bitfield(supported_bits, MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_D, 8*4, 
+      "Obsolete (should NOT be 1)", "Obsolete (should ALWAYS be 0)"));
+  proto_tree_add_text(flags_tree, tvb, offset + 2, 4, "%s",
+      decode_boolean_bitfield(supported_bits, MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_L, 8*4, 
+      "40-bit encryption ON", "40-bit encryption OFF"));
+  proto_tree_add_text(flags_tree, tvb, offset + 2, 4, "%s",
+      decode_boolean_bitfield(supported_bits, MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_S, 8*4, 
+      "56-bit encryption ON", "56-bit encryption OFF"));
+  proto_tree_add_text(flags_tree, tvb, offset + 2, 4, "%s",
+      decode_boolean_bitfield(supported_bits, MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_M, 8*4, 
+      "128-bit encryption ON", "128-bit encryption OFF"));
+  proto_tree_add_text(flags_tree, tvb, offset + 2, 4, "%s",
+      decode_boolean_bitfield(supported_bits, MPPE_SUPPORTED_BITS_H, 8*4, 
+      "Stateless mode ON", "Stateless mode OFF"));
+static void
+dissect_ccp_lzsdcp_opt(const ip_tcp_opt *optp, tvbuff_t *tvb,
+			int offset, guint length, frame_data *fd,
+			proto_tree *tree)
+  proto_item *tf;
+  guint8 check_mode;
+  guint8 process_mode;
+  tf = proto_tree_add_text(tree, tvb, offset, length, "%s", optp->name);
+  proto_tree_add_text(tf, tvb, offset + 2, 2,
+		      "History Count: %u", tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, offset + 2));
+  check_mode = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 4);
+  proto_tree_add_text(tf, tvb, offset + 4, 1, "Check Mode: %s (0x%02X)", 
+      val_to_str(check_mode, lzsdcp_checkmode_vals, "Unknown"), check_mode); 
+  process_mode = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + 5);
+  proto_tree_add_text(tf, tvb, offset + 5, 1, "Process Mode: %s (0x%02X)", 
+      val_to_str(process_mode, lzsdcp_processmode_vals, "Unkown"), process_mode); 
+static void
 dissect_cp( tvbuff_t *tvb, int proto_id, int proto_subtree_index,
 	const value_string *proto_vals, int options_subtree_index,
 	const ip_tcp_opt *opts, int nopts, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree ) {
@@ -1313,6 +1531,34 @@
 	     ipcp_opts, N_IPCP_OPTS, pinfo, tree);
+static void
+dissect_ccp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+  dissect_cp(tvb, proto_ccp, ett_ccp, ccp_vals, ett_ccp_options,
+	     ccp_opts, N_CCP_OPTS, pinfo, tree);
+static void
+dissect_comp_data(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree)
+  proto_item *ti;
+  proto_tree *comp_data_tree;
+  if (check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL))
+    col_set_str(pinfo->fd, COL_PROTOCOL, 
+		proto_get_protocol_short_name(proto_comp_data));
+  if(check_col(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO))
+    col_add_fstr(pinfo->fd, COL_INFO, "%s %s",
+		 proto_get_protocol_short_name(proto_comp_data),
+		 val_to_str(PPP_COMP, ppp_vals, "Unknown"));
+  if (tree) {
+    ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_comp_data, tvb, 0, tvb_length(tvb), FALSE);
+    comp_data_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_comp_data);
+  }
 #define MP_FRAG_MASK     0xC0
 #define MP_FRAG(bits)    ((bits) & MP_FRAG_MASK)
 #define MP_FRAG_FIRST    0x80
@@ -1839,6 +2085,58 @@
    * registering with the "ethertype" dissector table.
   dissector_add("ethertype", PPP_IPCP, dissect_ipcp, proto_ipcp);
+  static gint *ett[] = {
+    &ett_ccp,
+    &ett_ccp_options,
+    &ett_ccp_stac_opt,
+    &ett_ccp_mppc_opt,
+    &ett_ccp_lzsdcp_opt
+  };
+  proto_ccp = proto_register_protocol("PPP Compression Control Protocol", 
+				      "PPP CCP", "ccp");
+  proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+  dissector_add("ppp.protocol", PPP_CCP, dissect_ccp, proto_ccp);
+  /*
+   * See above comment about NDISWAN for an explanation of why we're
+   * registering with the "ethertype" dissector table.
+   */
+  dissector_add("ethertype", PPP_CCP, dissect_ccp, proto_ccp);
+  static gint *ett[] = {
+    &ett_comp_data
+  };
+  proto_comp_data = proto_register_protocol("PPP Compressed Datagram",
+				      "PPP Comp", "comp_data");
+  proto_register_subtree_array(ett, array_length(ett));
+  dissector_add("ppp.protocol", PPP_COMP, dissect_comp_data, proto_comp_data);
+  /*
+   * See above comment about NDISWAN for an explanation of why we're
+   * registering with the "ethertype" dissector table.
+   */
+  dissector_add("ethertype", PPP_COMP, dissect_comp_data, proto_comp_data);