Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Updates for WSP connection-oriented

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Alexandre P. Ferreira" <alexandref@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 16:26:25 -0300

Please check in these updates for WSP (WAP) decoding, Many corrections
and updates for connection-oriented WSP.


Alexandre Peixoto Ferreira
Coordenador de Planejamento
+55 61 3137504

*** ethereal-0.8.18/packet-wsp.c	Mon Apr 23 13:57:59 2001
---	Tue Jun 12 16:15:09 2001
*** 66,72 ****
  static int hf_wsp_version_major					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_version_minor					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_capability_length				= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_section			= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_uri_len				= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_uri					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_server_session_id				= HF_EMPTY;
--- 66,80 ----
  static int hf_wsp_version_major					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_version_minor					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_capability_length				= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_section				= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_client_SDU			= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_server_SDU			= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_protocol_opt			= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_method_MOR			= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_push_MOR				= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_extended_methods			= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_header_code_pages		= HF_EMPTY;
! static int hf_wsp_capabilities_aliases				= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_uri_len				= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_uri					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_server_session_id				= HF_EMPTY;
*** 79,84 ****
--- 87,93 ----
  static int hf_wsp_reply_data					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_post_data						= HF_EMPTY;
+ static int hf_wsp_header_shift_code					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_accept					= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_accept_str				= HF_EMPTY;
  static int hf_wsp_header_accept_charset			= HF_EMPTY;
*** 419,424 ****
--- 428,436 ----
  static guint add_parameter_charset (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint, guint);
  static void add_post_data (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint);
  static void add_post_variable (proto_tree *, tvbuff_t *, guint, guint, guint, guint);
+ static gint get_long_integer (tvbuff_t *, guint *, guint , guint *);
+ static void add_capabilities (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb);
+ static guint get_uintvar (tvbuff_t *, guint, guint);
  /* Code to actually dissect the packets */
  static void
*** 446,452 ****
  	proto_item *ti;
  	proto_tree *wsp_tree;
  /*	proto_tree *wsp_header_fixed; */
- 	proto_tree *wsp_capabilities;
  /* This field shows up as the "Info" column in the display; you should make
     it, if possible, summarize what's in the packet, so that a user looking
--- 458,463 ----
*** 539,546 ****
  					ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,headerLength);
  					if (capabilityLength > 0)
! 						ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_capabilities_section,tvb,offset,capabilityLength,bo_little_endian);
! 						wsp_capabilities = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_capabilities );
  						offset += capabilityLength;
--- 550,557 ----
  					ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,headerLength);
  					if (capabilityLength > 0)
! 						tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, offset, capabilityLength, capabilityLength);
! 						add_capabilities (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb);
  						offset += capabilityLength;
*** 571,578 ****
  					ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,headerLength);
  					if (capabilityLength > 0)
! 						ti = proto_tree_add_item (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_capabilities_section,tvb,offset,capabilityLength,bo_little_endian);
! 						wsp_capabilities = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_capabilities );
  						offset += capabilityLength;
--- 582,589 ----
  					ti = proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_tree, hf_wsp_header_length,tvb,headerStart,count,headerLength);
  					if (capabilityLength > 0)
! 						tmp_tvb = tvb_new_subset (tvb, offset, capabilityLength, capabilityLength);
! 						add_capabilities (wsp_tree, tmp_tvb);
  						offset += capabilityLength;
*** 706,711 ****
--- 717,723 ----
  	guint count = 0;
  	guint valueStart = 0;
  	guint valueEnd = 0;
+ 	guint pageCode = 1;
  #ifdef DEBUG
  	fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Offset is %d, size is %d\n", offset, headersLen);
*** 734,746 ****
  		if (peek < 32)		/* Short-cut shift delimeter */
! 			fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: header: short-cut shift %d (0x%02X)\n", peek, peek);
! 			offset++;
  		else if (peek == 0x7F)	/* Shift delimeter */
! 			fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: header: shift delimeter %d (0x%02X)\n", peek, peek);
! 			offset++;
  		else if (peek < 127)
--- 746,762 ----
  		if (peek < 32)		/* Short-cut shift delimeter */
! 			pageCode = peek;
! 			proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_headers, hf_wsp_header_shift_code, tvb , offset, 1, peek);
! 			offset+=1;
! 			continue;
  		else if (peek == 0x7F)	/* Shift delimeter */
! 			pageCode = tvb_get_guint8(tvb,offset+1);
! 			proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_headers, hf_wsp_header_shift_code, tvb , offset, 2, pageCode);
! 			offset+=2;
! 			continue;
  		else if (peek < 127)
*** 800,809 ****
  		fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Creating value buffer from offset %d, size=%d\n", headerStart, (offset-headerStart));
! 		header_buff = tvb_new_subset (tvb, headerStart, (offset-headerStart), (offset-headerStart));
! 		value_buff = tvb_new_subset (tvb, valueStart, (valueEnd-valueStart), (valueEnd-valueStart));
- 		add_header (wsp_headers, header_buff, value_buff);
--- 816,833 ----
  		fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Creating value buffer from offset %d, size=%d\n", headerStart, (offset-headerStart));
! 		if (pageCode == 1)
! 		{
! 			header_buff = tvb_new_subset (tvb, headerStart, (offset-headerStart), (offset-headerStart));
! 			value_buff = tvb_new_subset (tvb, valueStart, (valueEnd-valueStart), (valueEnd-valueStart));
! 			add_header (wsp_headers, header_buff, value_buff);
! 		}
! 		else 
! 		{
! 			proto_tree_add_text (wsp_headers, tvb , headerStart, valueEnd-headerStart,
! 				       "Unsupported Header (0x%02X)", (tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, headerStart) & 0x7F));
! 		}
*** 818,826 ****
--- 842,852 ----
  	guint valueLen = tvb_reported_length (value_buff);
  	guint peek = 0;
  	struct timeval timeValue;
+ 	guint offsetNew = 0;
  	guint value = 0;
  	guint valueLength = 0;
  	char valString[100];
+ 	char valNum1[100];
  	char *valMatch = NULL;
  	double q_value = 1.0;
*** 847,860 ****
  		switch (headerType)
  			case 0x00:		/* Accept */
! 				if (peek & 0x80)
  					proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept, header_buff, offset, headerLen, (peek & 0x7F));
! 				else
! 					proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_str,header_buff,offset,headerLen,tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen));
  			case 0x01:		/* Accept-Charset */
--- 873,956 ----
  		switch (headerType)
  			case 0x00:		/* Accept */
! 				if (peek & 0x80) /* Constrained-media (short-integer) */
  					proto_tree_add_uint (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept, header_buff, offset, headerLen, (peek & 0x7F));
+ 					break;
! 				if (peek >= 32) /* Constrained-media (text) */
! 				{
! 					proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_str,header_buff,offset,headerLen,
! 								tvb_get_ptr (value_buff, 0, valueLen));
! 					break;
! 				}
! 				/* general form (short length) */
! 				offsetNew = offset+1;
! 				valueLength = tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, offsetNew);
! 				if (valueLength & 0x80) /* short integer */
! 					valMatch = match_strval(valueLength & 0x7f, vals_content_types);
! 					offsetNew++;
+ 				else if (valueLength < 32) /* long integer */
+ 				{
+ 					if (get_long_integer(value_buff,&offsetNew,offset+peek,&value) < 0)
+ 					{
+ 						fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: accept get_long_interger invalid\n");
+ 					}
+ 					valMatch = match_strval(value, vals_content_types);
+ 					offsetNew+=valueLength;
+ 					if (valMatch == NULL)
+ 					{
+ 						snprintf(valNum1,100,"Unsupported type (%d)",value);
+ 						valMatch = valNum1;
+ 					}
+ 				}
+ 				else /* text */
+ 				{
+ 					/* TODO */
+ 				}
+ 				if ((offsetNew - offset) < peek) /* Parameter */
+ 				{
+ 					value = tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, offsetNew);
+ 					offsetNew++;
+ 					if (value & 0x80) /* well Know type */
+ 					{
+ 						switch (value & 0x7f)
+ 						{
+ 							case 0x03 :
+ 								valueLength = tvb_get_guint8 (value_buff, offsetNew);
+ 								if (valueLength & 0x80) /* short integer */
+ 								{
+ 									value = valueLength & 0x7F;
+ 									offsetNew++;
+ 								}
+ 								else if (valueLength < 32) /* Long integer */
+ 								{
+ 									if (get_long_integer(value_buff,&offsetNew,offset+peek,&value) < 0)
+ 									{
+ 										fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: accept get_long_interger parameter invalid\n");
+ 									}
+ 								}
+ 								snprintf (valString, 100, "%s type %d", valMatch,value);
+ 								break;
+ 							case 0x00 :
+ 							case 0x01 :
+ 							case 0x02 :
+ 							case 0x04 :
+ 							default :
+ 								break;
+ 						}
+ 					}
+ 				}
+ 				else  /* no parameter */
+ 				{
+ 					snprintf (valString, 100, "%s", valMatch);
+ 				}
+ 				/* Add string to tree */
+ 				proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_str,
+ 						       header_buff, 0, headerLen, valString);
  			case 0x01:		/* Accept-Charset */
*** 947,956 ****
  							snprintf (valString, 100, "%s; Q=%5.3f", valMatch,q_value);
- 					/* Add string to tree */
- 					proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_charset_str,
- 						header_buff, 0, headerLen, valString);
  				else						/* Constrained-charset */
--- 1043,1052 ----
  							snprintf (valString, 100, "%s; Q=%5.3f", valMatch,q_value);
+                                         /* Add string to tree */
+                                         proto_tree_add_string (tree, hf_wsp_header_accept_charset_str,
+ 				                               header_buff, 0, headerLen, valString);
  				else						/* Constrained-charset */
*** 1237,1242 ****
--- 1333,1493 ----
+ static void
+ add_capabilities (proto_tree *tree, tvbuff_t *tvb)
+ {
+ 	proto_item *ti;
+ 	proto_tree *wsp_capabilities;
+ 	guint offset = 0;
+ 	guint offsetStr = 0;
+ 	guint capabilitiesLen = tvb_reported_length (tvb);
+ 	guint8 capabilitiesStart = 0;
+ 	guint peek = 0;
+ 	guint length = 0;
+ 	guint value = 0;
+ 	guint i;
+ 	char valString[200];
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ 	fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Offset is %d, size is %d\n", offset, capabilitiesLen);
+ #endif
+ 	/* End of buffer */
+ 	if (capabilitiesLen <= 0)
+ 	{
+ 		fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: Capabilities = 0\n");
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ 	fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: capabilities to process\n");
+ #endif
+ 	ti = proto_tree_add_item (tree, hf_wsp_capabilities_section,tvb,offset,capabilitiesLen,bo_little_endian);
+ 	wsp_capabilities = proto_item_add_subtree( ti, ett_capabilities );
+ 	/* Parse Headers */
+ 	while (offset < capabilitiesLen)
+ 	{
+ 		/* Loop round each header */
+ 		capabilitiesStart = offset;
+ 		length = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, capabilitiesStart);
+ 		if (length >= 127)		/* length */
+ 		{
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ 			fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: capabilities length invalid %d\n",length);
+ #endif
+ 			offset+=length;
+ 			continue;
+ 		}
+ 		offset++;
+ 		peek = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset);
+ 		offset++;
+ 		switch (peek & 0x7f)
+ 		{
+ 			case 0x00 : /* Client-SDU-Size */
+ 				value = get_uintvar (tvb, offset, length+capabilitiesStart+1);
+ 				proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_client_SDU, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, value);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x01 : /* Server-SDU-Size */
+ 				value = get_uintvar (tvb, offset, length+capabilitiesStart+1);
+ 				proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_server_SDU, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, value);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x02 : /* Protocol Options */ 
+ 				value = get_uintvar (tvb, offset, length+capabilitiesStart+1);
+ 				i = 0;
+ 				valString[0]=0;
+ 				if (value & 0x80)
+ 				{
+ 					i += snprintf(valString+i,200-1,"%s","(Confirmed push facility) ");
+ 				}
+ 				if (value & 0x40)
+ 				{
+ 					i += snprintf(valString+i,200-1,"%s","(Push facility) ");
+ 				}
+ 				if (value & 0x20)
+ 				{
+ 					i += snprintf(valString+i,200-1,"%s","(Session resume facility) ");
+ 				}
+ 				if (value & 0x10)
+ 				{
+ 					i += snprintf(valString+i,200-1,"%s","(Acknowledgement headers) ");
+ 				}
+ 				proto_tree_add_string(wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_protocol_opt, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, valString);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x03 : /* Method-MOR */ 
+ 				value = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+ 				proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_method_MOR, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, value);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x04 : /* Push-MOR */ 
+ 				value = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset);
+ 				proto_tree_add_uint (wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_push_MOR, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, value);
+ 				break;
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x05 : /* Extended Methods */ 
+ 				offsetStr = offset;
+ 				offset++;
+ 				i = 0;
+ 				while ((offsetStr-capabilitiesStart) <= length)
+ 				{
+ 					value = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offsetStr);
+ 					i += snprintf(valString+i,200-i,"(%d - ",value);
+ 					offsetStr++;
+ 					for (;(valString[i] = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offsetStr));i++,offsetStr++);
+ 					offsetStr++;
+ 					valString[i++] = ')';
+ 					valString[i++] = ' ';
+ 				}
+ 				valString[i]=0;
+ 				proto_tree_add_string(wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_extended_methods, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, valString);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x06 : /* Header Code Pages */ 
+ 				offsetStr = offset;
+ 				offset++;
+ 				i = 0;
+ 				while ((offsetStr-capabilitiesStart) <= length)
+ 				{
+ 					value = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offsetStr);
+ 					i += snprintf(valString+i,200-i,"(%d - ",value);
+ 					offsetStr++;
+ 					for (;(valString[i] = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offsetStr));i++,offsetStr++);
+ 					offsetStr++;
+ 					valString[i++] = ')';
+ 					valString[i++] = ' ';
+ 				}
+ 				valString[i]=0;
+ 				proto_tree_add_string(wsp_capabilities, hf_wsp_capabilities_header_code_pages, tvb, capabilitiesStart, length+1, valString);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 0x07 : /* Aliases */
+ 				break;
+ 			default:
+ 				proto_tree_add_text (wsp_capabilities, tvb , capabilitiesStart, length+1,
+ 				       "Unsupported Header (0x%02X)", peek & 0x7F);
+ 				break;
+ 		}
+ 		offset=capabilitiesStart+length+1;
+ 	}
+ }
+ static guint
+ get_uintvar (tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint offsetEnd)
+ {
+ 	guint value = 0;
+ 	guint octet;
+ 	do
+ 	{
+        		octet = tvb_get_guint8 (tvb, offset);
+ 		offset++;
+ 		value <<= 7;
+ 		value += octet & 0x7f;
+ 	}
+ 	while ((offsetEnd > offset) && (octet & 0x80));
+ 	return value;
+ }
  static guint
  get_value_length (tvbuff_t *tvb, guint offset, guint *nextOffset)
*** 1611,1616 ****
--- 1862,1875 ----
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_header_shift_code,
+ 			{ 	"Shift code",           
+ 				"wsp.header.shift",
+ 				 /*FT_NONE, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,*/
+ 				 FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Shift code" 
+ 			}
+ 		},
  		{ &hf_wsp_header_accept,
  			{ 	"Accept",           
*** 1784,1789 ****
--- 2043,2104 ----
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_client_SDU,
+ 			{	"Client SDU",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.client_SDU",
+ 				 FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Client SDU"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_server_SDU,
+ 			{	"Server SDU",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.server_SDU",
+ 				 FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Server SDU"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_protocol_opt,
+ 			{	"Protocol Options",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.protocol_opt",
+ 				 FT_STRING, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Protocol Options"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_method_MOR,
+ 			{	"Method MOR",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.method_mor",
+ 				 FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Method MOR"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_push_MOR,
+ 			{	"Push MOR",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.push_mor",
+ 				 FT_UINT8, BASE_DEC, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Push MOR"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_extended_methods,
+ 			{	"Extended Methods",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.extend_methods",
+ 				 FT_STRING, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Extended Methods"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_header_code_pages,
+ 			{	"Header Code Pages",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.code_pages",
+ 				 FT_STRING, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Header Code Pages"
+ 			}
+ 		},
+ 		{ &hf_wsp_capabilities_aliases,
+ 			{	"Aliases",
+ 				"wsp.capabilities.aliases",
+ 				 FT_UINT8, BASE_HEX, NULL, 0x00,
+ 				"Aliases"
+ 			}
+ 		},
  		{ &hf_wsp_post_data,
  			{ 	"Post Data",           
*** 1830,1833 ****
--- 2145,2183 ----
  	dissector_add("udp.port", UDP_PORT_WSP, dissect_wsp, proto_wsp);
  	/* This dissector is also called from the WTP and WTLS dissectors */
+ }
+ static gint get_long_integer (tvbuff_t *tvb, guint *offset, guint offset_end, guint *value)
+ {
+ 	guint valueLength;
+ 	valueLength = tvb_get_guint8(tvb,*offset);
+ 	if ((valueLength+*offset) > offset_end)
+ 	{
+ 		*value = 0;
+ 		return (-1);
+ 	}
+ 	(*offset)++;
+ 	switch (valueLength)
+ 	{
+ 		case 1:
+ 			*value = tvb_get_guint8(tvb,*offset);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 2:
+ 			*value = tvb_get_ntohs(tvb,*offset);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 3:
+ 		        *value = tvb_get_ntoh24(tvb,*offset);
+ 			break;
+ 		case 4:
+ 			*value = tvb_get_ntohl(tvb,*offset);
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 		        /* TODO: Need to read peek octets */
+ 		        *value = 0;
+ 		        fprintf (stderr, "dissect_wsp: get_long_integer size %d NYI\n", valueLength);
+ 	        	break;
+ 	}
+ 	(*offset) += valueLength;
+ 	return 0;
n:Peixoto Ferreira;Alexandre
tel;cell:_55 61 96184223
tel;work:+55 61 3137504
org:TCO - Tele Centro Oeste Celular S.A.;TCO IP
adr:;;SCS Qd 2 ED Toufic 1 andar;Bras�lia;DF;70302-918;
title:Coordenandor de Planejamento
fn:Alexandre Peixoto Ferreira