4 items:
1) This is a nit in the grand scheme of things here but it would help me
with my decode work ;-)
I am using ethereal on win2k. When I am digging into a packet's
detail and working through the tree breakout it would be helpful if the hex
dump pane would rescroll so that the beginning of the selected/highlighted
hex data was at or near the top line in the displayed data. Currently it
seems to be rescrolling such that the bottom of the selected hexdata is
scrolled up so that it is displayed at or near the bottom line of visible
I have compiled my own version so if someone finds a quick and easy, change
this (diffs) I can try them out.
2) Currently I am hacking up some protocol decodes specific to our
inter-orb communications. Having the GIOP decode already in place has been
a god-send (Thanks Laurent and Craig :-) . Of course I am very new at this.
But it would be interesting if there is a stockpile of other GIOP related
sniffer traces I could use for comparison, maybe I can make my "hacks" more
generic/general and can safely add them for others to use. We are still at
version 1.0.
Great job to everyone working on this project!! I found everything I needed
to get up and hacking (sorry I don't code much so it really is hacking for
me ;-). Hopefully I can contribute back.
3) One last item, how do I take these "diffs" and process them to update my
code copy? I was going to do this by hand if and when I first need to.
4) Anyone have some code/partial code for db2client<->db2 server (sql)
and/or voyager/java inter-orb decoding?
Rich Hall Tivoli Performance Analysis
919-224-1722 Rich_Hall@xxxxxxxxxx 919-224-2580 (fax)