> As long as epan requires GTK+ its makefile setup should be fixed.
Actually, epan should be fixed not to require GTK+; I've just checked in
a change that should do that.
That will show up in the next release, whenever that comes out (I don't
know when that will happen).
(Note that this means "I fixed the source code so that nothing in epan
should have to include any GTK+ header files", not "I fixed the
configuration stuff so that you can build Tethereal without GTK+.)
> I have read the comments about setting up ethereal to not require
> GTK+ or glib
Nobody has, as far as I know, proposed allowing even Tethereal not to
require GLib; we use GLib routines and GLib data types quite a lot in
dissectors and in the epan stuff.
At some point we might allow Ethereal to work with toolkits other than
GTK+ (as well as working with GTK+), but that's a long-term project.
People *have*, however, been discussing allowing *T*ethereal not to
require GTK+, so that, if you don't have GTK+, you can at least build
Tethereal and editcap, although you won't be able to build Ethereal (it
needs *some* GUI toolkit and, right now, it specifically needs GTK+.)
You *will* still need GLib, however, as per the above.