Ethereal-dev: [ethereal-dev] Fragmentation reporting bug

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Scott Howard <showard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 24 May 2000 16:32:59 +1000

Found a bug in :

ethereal 0.8.8, with GTK+ 1.2.7, with libpcap 0.4, with libz 1.1.3, without SNMP

When reporting the Fragmentation offset for IP packets which have been
fragmented, it's out by a factor of 8. Basically it's just reporting the
number in the TCP header as the offset, where this number is actually the
"offset (in 8-byte units)" (from TCP/IP Illustrated vol 1 page 149).

Sample patch below (but I have no idea of your coding styles so no idea
if this is how you'd want to do it.

*** ethereal-0.8.8-orig/packet-ip.c	Tue May  9 13:15:24 2000
--- ethereal-0.8.8/packet-ip.c	Wed May 24 16:16:01 2000
*** 927,933 ****
      proto_tree_add_item(field_tree, hf_ip_flags_mf, offset + 6, 1, flags),
      proto_tree_add_item(ip_tree, hf_ip_frag_offset, offset +  6, 2,
!       iph.ip_off & IP_OFFSET);
      proto_tree_add_item(ip_tree, hf_ip_ttl, offset +  8, 1, iph.ip_ttl);
      proto_tree_add_uint_format(ip_tree, hf_ip_proto, offset +  9, 1, iph.ip_p,
  	"Protocol: %s (0x%02x)", ipprotostr(iph.ip_p), iph.ip_p);
--- 927,933 ----
      proto_tree_add_item(field_tree, hf_ip_flags_mf, offset + 6, 1, flags),
      proto_tree_add_item(ip_tree, hf_ip_frag_offset, offset +  6, 2,
!       (iph.ip_off & IP_OFFSET)*8);
      proto_tree_add_item(ip_tree, hf_ip_ttl, offset +  8, 1, iph.ip_ttl);
      proto_tree_add_uint_format(ip_tree, hf_ip_proto, offset +  9, 1, iph.ip_p,
  	"Protocol: %s (0x%02x)", ipprotostr(iph.ip_p), iph.ip_p);
*** 968,974 ****
        col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "IP");
      if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO))
        col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "Fragmented IP protocol (proto=%s 0x%02x, off=%u)",
! 	ipprotostr(iph.ip_p), iph.ip_p, iph.ip_off & IP_OFFSET);
      dissect_data(pd, offset, fd, tree);
--- 968,974 ----
        col_add_str(fd, COL_PROTOCOL, "IP");
      if (check_col(fd, COL_INFO))
        col_add_fstr(fd, COL_INFO, "Fragmented IP protocol (proto=%s 0x%02x, off=%u)",
! 	ipprotostr(iph.ip_p), iph.ip_p, (iph.ip_off & IP_OFFSET) * 8);
      dissect_data(pd, offset, fd, tree);

Otherwise, brilliant product!! keep up the good work!!
