Richard Sharpe wrote:
> What does Candela Tech do?
Basically, think a shelf full of linux-pcs-on-a-card, with 5
etherports each. We'll be running testing software on each
card, controlled by a master... Check out, we should have
more info soon, as the product is closer to being releasable.
> This is an interesting idea ... it could run as a server and allow the GUI
> component to connect to it. I would see the need for the following:
> 1. Only capture when instructed to do so by the GUI
> 2. Authentication would be needed -- ssh like?
This would be nice, but not necessarily vital at first (can always
firewall, and you wouldn't want this running as a general service
anyway I think...)
> 3. Compress captured packets before sending them.
Good idea, but it might cost more CPU than it's worth...probably
be nice to have a -zX command, kinda like cvs, so you can compress
as desired. This is another thing that could be put off at first,
Ben Greear (greearb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Author of ScryMUD: 4444 (Released under GPL)