Ethereal-dev: [ethereal-dev] Patch for packet-osi

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: "Gerrit Gehnen" <G.Gehnen@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 13:41:55 +0100

I'm very new to the list as well as to etheral but the good design of
ethereal makes it possible for me to submit a patch for packet-osi.c.

It implements the "Inactive Subset" of the CLNP-protocol. The "Inactive 
Subset" is just a single 0x00-byte instead of the full CLNP-layer.

With this patch it is possible to decode the lower 4 layers of the 
"Siemens Industrial Ethernet" protocol aka "Sinec H1", which is used 
to communicate with Siemens S5/S7 PLC's over Ethernet.

Further code for dissecting the higher layers of the protocol is in

Attached is the patch and a small capture file of the protocol.

  Gerrit Gehnen
Dr.-Ing. Gerrit Gehnen      Abt. LT
ATR Industrie-Elektronik    Textilstra�e 2, 41751 Viersen, Germany
Tel. (+49)2162 485-362      Fax (+49)2162 485-100
> #define ISO8473_CLNP_INACTIVE	0x00
>   if (pd[offset]==ISO8473_CLNP_INACTIVE) {
>     if (tree) {
>       ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_clnp, offset, 1, NULL);
>       clnp_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_clnp);
>       proto_tree_add_item_format(clnp_tree, hf_clnp_id, offset, 1, 
> 				 clnp.cnf_proto_id,
> 				 "Inactive subset");
>     } 
>     dissect_cotp(pd, offset+1, fd, tree);
>     return;
>   } 
>     case ISO8473_CLNP_INACTIVE:

Attachment: sinec_h1
Description: Binary data