User: lroland
Date: 2004/12/31 08:27 AM
From Luis Ontanon for Mate:
- moved gop and gog indexes into gopcfgs, which is a propedeutic
change for upcoming changes in the way gops are to be grouped
- changed the way gog-keys are kept in memory
- every gopkey attribute is copied into the gop->extras to avoid
redundancy in the configuration
- added timers to gogs mate.gog_type.StartTime and mate.gog_type.Time
- fixed a bug in scs_subscribe that mangled some strings
- minor interface improvement to scs propedeutic to having types avp
values in a future
- changed medium and large into mate_medium and mate_large in the
- fixed Mode=Replace in Transforms, now it works
- fixed a crash at reinit due to impropper initialization of mate_items
Directory: /trunk/plugins/mate/
Changes Path Action
+20 -13 mate.h Modified
+129 -52 mate_runtime.c Modified
+47 -25 mate_setup.c Modified
+50 -37 mate_util.c Modified
+16 -6 packet-mate.c Modified
Directory: /trunk/plugins/mate/matelib/
Changes Path Action
+1 -1 h225_ras.mate Modified
+2 -0 isup.mate Modified