deniel 2003/05/15 08:40:20 CDT
Modified files:
doc ethereal.pod.template
Implement a ring buffer switch duration:
when the new "Rotate capture file every n second(s)" checkbox or the
-b <# of file>[:<duration>] argument are used, [t]ethereal will skip to the
next ring buffer file if the specified duration has elapsed (even if the
specified capture size is not reached). This is useful when you want to have
separate capture files per hour or day for instance.
I let the autostop filesize parameter mandatory (i.e. the "rotate capture
file after n kilobytes") but this could be no longer strictly necessary when
that new feature is used ...
Another point: it might be interesting to really truncate the file at the
switch and not the closure ... According to user comments and my own real
case tests, I might plan to enhance this point and others (still ring buffer
related) in the future.
Revision Changes Path
1.409 +12 -3 ethereal/doc/ethereal.pod.template
1.77 +5 -1 ethereal/doc/tethereal.pod.template