guy 2002/01/26 21:04:31 CST
Modified files:
. packet-smb-pipe.c
Fix "add_byte_param()" not to report multi-byte parameters as having the
wrong type.
Don't have routines that create subtrees for the data in a RAP reply -
just have a string for the name to give the subtree. Create the subtree
iff the reply has an entry count; if there's no name, use "Entries", and
if there's no ett_ value for it, use a generic one.
If there's no routine to create a subtreee for an entry in a RAP reply,
don't create the subtree - some entries have only one member, so there's
no point in creating a subtree for them. Provide an ett_ value to use
if we don't know what the entry looks like.
Properly terminate "lm_null_list[]".
Fix the tables for the NetUserGetInfo API.
Add tables for the NetUserGetGroups API.
Add #defines and names for all the APIs in the SNIA CIFS spec (but fix
up some of the names to reflect what the actual API names appear to be).
Display the RAP API number in decimal, not hex, for unknown APIs.
Use the right hf_ value when displaying the auxiliary data descriptor.
Revision Changes Path
1.67 +654 -122 ethereal/packet-smb-pipe.c