Ethereal-cvs: [ethereal-cvs] cvs commit: ethereal/gtk packet_win.c packet_win.h

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From: Guy Harris <guy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Feb 2000 00:24:52 -0600 (CST)
guy         2000/02/29 00:24:50 CST

  Modified files:
    gtk         Makefile.nmake gtkglobals.h 
                         gui_prefs.c main.c menu.c proto_draw.c 
  Added files:
    gtk                  packet_win.c packet_win.h 
  Jeff Foster's changes, with my additions, to allow the user to pop up a
  window showing the protocol tree and hex/ASCII data for the currently
  selected packet.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.25      +3 -1      ethereal/gtk/
  1.6       +2 -1      ethereal/gtk/Makefile.nmake
  1.6       +10 -5     ethereal/gtk/gtkglobals.h
  1.4       +11 -11    ethereal/gtk/gui_prefs.c
  1.107     +89 -83    ethereal/gtk/main.c
  1.26      +5 -1      ethereal/gtk/menu.c
  1.14      +75 -1     ethereal/gtk/proto_draw.c
  1.5       +5 -1      ethereal/gtk/proto_draw.h